Frequently Asked Questions
Portfolio is the total value that an investor creates by investing in more than one investment instrument with the same or different characteristics. Portfolio structure and portfolio preferences of individuals or institutions depend on their risk taking tendencies, liquidity preferences and return rates of various investments.
On this page, you can find detailed information on topics such as mutual funds and portfolio management that you are curious about and want to learn.
Portfolio management is the management of individual and institutional investors' assets by professional portfolio managers in line with benchmarks, taking into account their risk preferences and return expectations. Return maximization according to the preferred risk level is essential.
These are the assets in which the portfolio, which is formed by the savings collected from the investors in return for the participation certificate, is managed by professional managers in various money and capital market instruments, on the account of the investors, in accordance with the principles of risk distribution and fiduciary ownership.
Mutual funds; It can invest in assets such as reverse repo, government bonds, treasury bills, stocks, private sector bonds and financing bills, foreign securities, mutual funds, precious metals, forward contracts and options.
In case of sale of mutual fund participation certificates, a 10% tax withholding (withholding) is made on the income obtained. In case the participation certificates belonging to mutual funds with at least 51% stocks in their portfolio are sold (returned to the fund) after being held for more than 1 year, the income obtained is not subject to withholding tax. Capital companies and foreign institutions of similar nature, funds subject to the regulation and supervision of the Capital Markets Board and foreign funds similar to these funds, exclusively from securities and other capital market instruments, to obtain capital gains and to use their rights related to capital market instruments. 0% withholding tax is deducted from the mutual fund returns to be obtained as of October 1, 2010 by those determined by the Ministry of Finance to be similar to mutual funds and investment trusts established in accordance with the market law.
The Founder of the mutual fund must appoint at least one auditor with certain qualifications for each fund. Mutual funds are also audited by Independent External Audit companies on a semi-annual and annual basis. It is obligatory to send the annual audit report to the Capital Markets Board. Apart from this, the Board is always authorized to audit mutual funds.
Hedge Fund is a type of fund that qualified investors can invest and is not subject to any restrictions on management strategy and investment instruments. Hedge Funds can only be sold to individuals and institutions that comply with the CMB's definition of "qualified investors" in Turkey and abroad. Unlike other mutual funds, it has the flexibility to take advantage of the opportunities offered by the markets in both directions (long/short). It can perform over-the-counter derivative transactions, subject to certain restrictions in terms of risk management. Participation shares can only be bought by qualified investors.
Qualified investors, mutual funds, pension investment funds, securities investment trusts, venture capital investment trusts, real estate investment trusts, intermediary institutions, banks, insurance companies, private finance institutions, portfolio management companies, pension and aid funds, foundations, Social Security Number 506 Funds established pursuant to the temporary article 20 of the Insurance Law, public benefit associations and other investors to be determined by the Board to be similar in nature to these institutions, and real persons owning Turkish and/or foreign currency and capital market instruments worth at least 1 million Turkish Liras as of the date of public offering. and legal persons.
TEFAS is an electronic platform that has been established with the permission of the Capital Markets Board and provides access to all investment funds operating in the capital market, excluding mutual funds subject to special conditions with a single investment account. Istanbul Settlement and Custody Bank A.Ş. (Takasbank) TEFAS became operational on January 9, 2015.
Guaranteeing returns is prohibited by the Capital Markets Legislation. Therefore, no return can be guaranteed for a future period. However, reports in which the returns obtained in the past period are evaluated in line with the comparison criteria are important in terms of evaluating the performance.
Rota Portfolio Management is only obliged to manage the portfolio under the terms and conditions written in the portfolio management contract with the customer.
Our Fund Service Unit is Oyak Yatırım Menkul Değerler AŞ. The custody of the assets of the customers for whom we provide portfolio management services, keeping records, control, audit and reporting of asset and cash movements are performed by İşbank, which we have agreed to provide custody services.